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The root chakra is the first in the chakra energy system.

In this energy center we hold our security and our foundation for all other chakras. This effects our survival instincts. Another name for the root chakra is Muladhara. The meaning of muladhara is root base or support. Mula meaning "root" and Adhara which translates to support or base. Essentially this is one's root. Unlike the others chakras, we are born with this energy center already open. This is why childhood plays such a vital role on the rest of our life. We set up our energy system from the day that we are born. This chakra is associated with the Earth and the earth zodiac signs; Virgo, Capricorn, and Taurus. The root chakra connects us to the earth, like plants it reprisents our energetic root. The symbol of the root chakra is a four petal lotus Often with a square in the middle with an inverted triangle, the symbol for earth. It is also know to be depicted with the LAM symbol. We can connect with this chakra through grounding to the earth.

The first chakra is associated with are survival, basic needs, and desires. The musical note assigned to this chakra is C. The root chakra is associated the color red. It is located beneath the base of the coccyx and the end of the tailbone. It is also related with the surrounding organs; the reproduction system, rectum, and uterus. As well as our legs and feet. When we do not feel grounded we might tight hips and hamstrings, this is a result of a closed root chakra. A critical part of balanced root chakra is a healthy exercise routine and connection with the earth. When this chakra is healthy, we feel connection to all things. You feel supported by the earth, your surroundings and feel inner stability. You can come into issues with this charka is you are too attached to material things.

A quick way to strengthen your connection to the first chakra is connecting with nature.

When you are able to be with nature you are able to commune with your natural instinct. This helps you have a clear connection to what is real and physical around you. For example, if you are often overridden by emotions and thoughts, connecting with nature helps you see what is right is front of you. When you have been in situations when you felt like you were in survival mode, this causes this chakra to close and become inactive and weak. When you nourish your body with good food and water you build a healthy foundation for the rest of your energy system. When we are not in tune with our environment or when we are not in a safe environment we might have a hard time being present with ourselves and our physical reality. This can also manifest as material or money issues. On the contrary when we are in tune with body and nature and we create a safe environment, we are able to thrive on the inside and on the outside. When you are in tune with nature you realize you are connected to something greater than your lust and greedy desires.

An example of a blocked root chakra is greed and lust.

When this chakra is blocked we confused might have unhealthy obsessions. We feel may feel out of touch with reality and feel ungrounded. When the root chakra is overactive we might exhibit highly sexual behavior in order to try to connect with ourselves and the other world. Generally when one is over-sexually-active it does just the opposite. It depletes one's life force and ability to connect with the divine energy they seek. You have everything you need already within. When the root chakra is out of balanced, it results in issues relating to the reproductive system, bladder and digestive system. Including lower back issues and tight or out of balance with the hips, legs and feet. The best way to heal your root chakra is to go back to your roots and heal. Create a safe environment within yourself.

Here are some other useful tips to connect with and unblock your root chakra.

~with your bare feet or hands touch the earth and “ground” into it with you energy, like you are growing roots

~wear the color red, or burn an red candle

~connect with the earth, go on a hike, go camping, look at the mountains

~practice yoga, get active! Move your body

~smell cedar wood, black pepper, frankincense

~make your home and your body a sanctuary by keeping it clean

~eat grounding, earthy foods like carrots, parsnips, radishes, beets, onions, garlic.

~enjoy protein rich foods like eggs, meats, beans, peanut butter

~carry or wear red jasper, smokey quartz, tourmaline, garnet, bloodstone, ruby

We can use different mantras to help us strengthen our connection to the root chakra such as:

I am safe

I am wealthy and abundant

I am balanced

I am grounded

I have everything I need

I am strong

I am worthy

Chant LAM

In my own experience with the root chakra, I have found that is it crucial for the balance of the other chakras. This means coming to terms with our past and our childhood. For example this could mean forgiving parents of loved ones, forgiving situations where you might not have felt safe, and opening yourself up to build a safe environment for yourself. When our root chakra is out of balance it can manifest in other ways, before we realize the real “root” of the problem. Allow yourself time to rest and to be with nature. All of the answers lie within you and as you reconnect to the earth and your roots. When the root is in balance we feel secure in ourselves. Not just physically but on a deep spiritual level. We rememeber, we are part of the great cycle of life.

Even at opposite ends of the earth, we are still together. You and I - Rumi

My favorite thing to do to heal the root chakra is self care. For example, getting a pedicure, having a rest day, working out or doing yoga. Take care of and nourish your body. Trust your self to know what you need. Allow your self to be, just be. The root chakra reminds us we are never alone, we have our roots. Surrender to the great cycle of life. Practice non-attachment for nothing is really yours, but you own self. Own yourself, own your environment. You deserve a safe environment for yourself, help create a safe environment for others. As you connect with nature it shows you your true nature, which is connected to everything. There is no separation.

Try these scents and crystals to connect to the sacral chakra: cedarwood, black pepper, frankincense

red jasper, smokey quartz, tourmaline, garnet, bloodstone, ruby

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