The solar plexus chakra is the third chakra in the energy system.
In this energy center is our personal power, our willpower. This effects our decision-making, ability to act and to be consistent and determined. Another name for the solar plexus chakra is Manipura. The meaning of Manipura is city of jewels, mani meaning jewels and pura which translates city of or place of. This gives gives us a nice visual of this chakra. It has also been called the power chakra or power center. This chakra is associated with the Sun and zodiac sign Leo. Sun symbolizes the self. In some languages it is called Sol, like the word soul. The symbol of the solar plexus chakra is a ten petal lotus with a downward triangle in the middle. The Manipura is associated with the third element, fire. Similar to fire, the solar chakra deals with ones inner fire and life-force energy.
The third chakra is associated with transformation, generosity, charisma and presence. To strengthen the solar plexus chakra, chant RAM. The musical note assigned to this chakra is E. The Manipura is associated the colors yellow and gold and is located beneath the rib cage at the diaphragm. It is associated with the surrounding organs such as; pancreas, liver, bladder, stomach, mid-upper spine, digestive system and the adrenal glands. The pancreas helps regulates metabolism, so unbalanced solar plexus chakra can effect our weight, wether it be gaining weight or not being able to gain weight. A critical part of balanced solar plexus chakra is a healthy give and take from others. When this chakra is healthy, you are in your power and you feel strong and supported. You might come into third chakras issues when you are feeling powerless or subject to outside control and influence.
A quick way to help the third chakra is to take responsibility for yourself.
All of the things that have happened before, are happening now, and are going to happen- are in your power- it is now your responsibility. When you take back the power over your life, then you take back the decision making. Once you are no longer in a victim state you can start to call your power back. This can happen in any type of relationship when someone controls or has power over you. When you stand up for your self and create boundaries it creates more willpower. When we define what we want and what we don't we strengthen the third chakra. On the contrary, when our willpower is weak we may have trouble determining what we want or be confused about decision making. This makes us feel restless, anxious and dissatisfied. This can also manifest as control issues.
An example of a blocked solar plexus chakra is depression and sluggishness.
When this chakra is blocked we feel like our life-force is blocked. When a solar plexus chakra is overactive one might be over-powering, over-bearing and even harm others around them by abusing power. We need to be respectful of ourselves and others. We are responsible for having our own energy in-check. It is important not spill our energy over other's energy. When the solar plexus chakra is out of balanced, it results in issues relating to the metabolism, the adrenals and digestive system. Including, pancreas and stomach issues. How do you keep your fire burning strong and balanced? The best way to heal your solar plexus is to trust, trust yourself and your soul's journey.
Here are some other useful tips to connect with and unblock your solar plexus chakra.
~charge out in the sun, boost your own energy with is rays
~dance~ shake off any old beliefs and patterns, be less serious
~practice meditation, focus on the solar plexus center and imagine a glowing sun
~smell bergamot, lemon grass or cedar wood
~eat yellow foods like pineapple, corn, lemons to help strengthen the solar plexus charka
~carry or wear citrine, tigers eye, rulilated quartz, honey calcite
We can use different mantras to help us open our solar plexus chakra such as:
I accept myself unconditionally.
I forgive myself for past mistakes and I grow from them.
I choose inner peace and satisfaction daily.
I make my own decisions with confidence and conviction
Chant RAM
In my own experience with the solar plexus chakra, I have found that it can be easily taken advantage of when you are around a narcissistic type energy or when you are being treated with disrespect. This can cause discord in how we see ourselves in the world and our perception of ourselves. For example when we lose our power to others we feel as though they have power over us, when it is actually your own power. The more power you give away, the more that person, object, tv series, institution has over you. The solar plexus chakra is highly dependent on the lower two chakras (sacral, root). When the lower two chakras are in balance this provides a stable ground on which to grow and cultivate your power. Ultimately you are in control!
Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames -Rumi
My favorite thing to do to heal the solar plexus chakra is to do or talk about something that I am passionate about. The more you express your excitement, that what makes you burn, the closer you are to your soul and self. Work on a passion project like writing or painting, or try something fun or spontaneous such as going our for a drive, or throwing or attending an event. Find some thing that sets your soul on fire and seek those who fan the flames. Helping others shine and build their power is one of the best ways to strengthen your third charka. The solar plexus chakra reminds you, you are powerful, embrace your passions. You have the power, right now, to do whatever you desire.
Try these scents and crystals to connect to the solar plexus chakra: lavender, myrrh
citrine, tigers eye, amber, topaz