The crown chakra is the seventh chakra in the energy system. It is pure consciousnes, wisdom, and awareness. It is associated with the all-knowing and all-being. This chakra is located at the crown of the head, hence the name. It us to the universe just as our first chakra, the root chakra, connects us energetically to the ground. Another name for the crown chakra is the sahasara, which translates to thousand petal lotus. The symbol of the crown chakra is a thousand petal lotus with a circle in the middle, commonly depicted with the OM symbol.
The sound of the crown chakra is OM, the musical note is B. The crown chakra is also associated with transcending the limitations of form. This is why it is also associated with bliss. When this chakra is closed, the mind can become closed, obsessive, and neglectful of the physical realm. In the body the crown chrakra is associated with the pineal gland and the hypothalamus which regulates the endocrine system. It is also associated with the brain, cerebral cortex, and nervous system. This explains why it is important to be connected to your crown chakra. Let’s explore ways to strengthen this connection.
The sahasara is the gateway to the higher self. A quick way to access it is through feeling gratitude and compassion. Similar to the universal law of attraction, the sahasara represents the unseen force of the universe. When in balance we feel inner peace and tranquility. When out of balance- we feel anxiety, disconnected, and dissatisfied. How do you balance an unbalanced crown chakra? The best way to heal your crown chakra is to practice meditation.
When you meditate, I recommend using your breath as a tool to slow your thoughts. Be aware of negative thought patterns that may be limiting and blocking your divine flow of energy. An easy and productive way to balance your crown chakra is to deep clean your home or create an alter with crystals associated with the crown chakra such as labradorite, malachite, or selenite. Chanting OM or praying to a higher power is a nice way to connect with this chakra. Repeating the mantra I am open and I receive is a great way to make your connection stronger and more potent.
When I feel out of touch I like to connect with nature. It's very healing for the chakras if you go out in the sun. You could also go on a hike, or go look at the stars and connect with the universe at night. The crown chakra reminds us to dream and imagine, and to embrace the present moment. It whispers to us to live our dreams. In the process of surrendering to something greater then yourself, you set yourself have the key.
Try these cyrstals and scents to connect with the crown chakra: Malachite, Quartz, lumarian quartz, amythst, kyanite, labradorite to connect to the crown chakra: lotus, sandalwood, myrrh.